UX Content Design and Strategy Case Studies

Explore how I’ve helped businesses in the financial sector enhance their digital platforms through strategic UX content writing and design.

M&T's Goals

  • Enhance the overall user experience and satisfaction.
  • Improve the visual appeal and navigability of the Commercial Banking pages.
  • Increase user engagement and reduce bounce rates.
  • Ensure content clarity and usefulness, enabling customers to make informed decisions.

The Content Design Process

Understanding that the previous pages fell short in meeting users' needs, the team prioritized clarity, accessibility, and relevance in our redesign strategy.

Research and Strategy: The team began with an in-depth analysis of user behavior, preferences, and pain points through surveys, interviews, and web analytics.

Page Layouts: Adopting a user-centered design philosophy, I revamped the page layout to make key information more readily accessible and interactive elements were introduced to guide users through their journey. I implemented a consistent layout and design across all pages, utilizing familiar navigation patterns to enhance usability.

Clear Hierarchies and CTAs: Information was structured logically with clear headings, subheadings, and compelling calls-to-action, guiding users toward their next steps effortlessly.

Responsive Design: The redesign embraced a mobile-first approach, ensuring an optimal viewing experience across all devices.

Accessibility Features: Ensuring accessibility, the team adhered to WCAG guidelines, making the pages navigable for users with disabilities.

Copy Development: I then crafted clear, concise, and informative copy, replacing unhelpful descriptions with valuable content that empowered users to make informed decisions about their commercial banking needs.

Results and Impact

The redesigned Commercial Banking pages marked a significant departure from their predecessors. Post-launch analytics revealed a substantial increase in user engagement, with a notable decrease in bounce rates. Customer feedback highlighted the improved navigability and the quality of the content, indicating higher overall satisfaction.

The transformation of the Commercial Banking pages into a user-friendly, informative, and visually appealing section of M&T Bank's website demonstrates the power of a holistic UX strategy. By placing the user at the center of every decision, the project not only achieved its goals but also set a new standard for how M&T Bank approaches digital experiences, emphasizing the importance of user-centered design and effective UX writing in the financial industry.

User-Centric Redesign for M&T Bank

M&T Bank's Commercial Banking site was facing a significant challenge. The existing pages consisted primarily of lists of links accompanied by wordy descriptions, making it difficult for users to navigate and find the information they needed efficiently. Recognizing the need for a drastic overhaul, this project aimed to transform these pages into a user-centric, visually appealing, and intuitive digital experience.

See the transformation! View screenshots from my UX redesign of the M&T Bank Commercial Banking site!

Optimizing the User Experience for Greenwood Bank

I had the privilege of leading the UX content development for the launch of Greenwood Bank, an online banking startup. This case study outlines the UX content strategy and design I implemented for the mobile app, website, and promotional email campaign, playing a pivotal role in the bank's successful launch. I collaborated closely with cross-functional teams to ensure a seamless user onboarding and customer journey experience, despite a tight timeline.

Greenwood's Challenges

Greenwood Bank was entering a highly competitive online banking industry. The primary challenge was to differentiate Greenwood and offer a superior user experience, thereby gaining the trust of potential customers. I needed to develop content that not only conveyed the bank's values and offerings but also made users feel secure and confident in using Greenwood's services.

    The Content Design Process

    To meet these challenges, I adopted a systematic approach.The execution phase of the project was intense, with tight deadlines and high expectations. Despite the challenges, my UX content design strategy was successfully implemented:

    • Understanding the User Persona: I began by thoroughly researching our target audience, identifying their needs, expectations, and pain points. This research served as the foundation for my content strategy.
    • Creating User-Centric Content: Every piece of content, from the mobile app and website text to the promotional email campaign, was designed to be user-centric. I crafted messages that focused on what users could achieve and how our services could simplify their financial lives.
    • Microcopy Optimization: I paid special attention to microcopy, ensuring that buttons, error messages, notifications, and form fields were not only clear but also empathetic. In the case of errors or issues, we communicated solutions concisely and reassuringly.
    • Collaborative Approach: I worked closely with product, design, and marketing teams, conducting regular content reviews and providing feedback. This collaboration ensured that the UX content aligned with the product's design and marketing goals.
    • Customer Journey Mapping: I created a detailed customer journey map to visualize the user's interactions with Greenwood Bank, identifying potential friction points and opportunities for improvement. This map guided the entire team in streamlining the user experience.
    • Mobile App and Website Content: The mobile app and website content I developed not only provided essential information about Greenwood Bank's services but also guided users seamlessly through account setup, transactions, and support.
    • Promotional Email Campaign: The email campaign targeting waitlist subscribers was meticulously crafted to provide a warm welcome, introduce our services, and encourage users to take the next steps. It effectively drove user engagement and account sign-ups.
    • Continuous Improvement: Regular meetings with the product and design teams allowed for continuous content improvement. We addressed any user issues promptly and optimized the content based on real user feedback.

    Results and Impact

    Greenwood Bank's launch was a resounding success. The meticulous UX content strategy contributed significantly to this achievement. Key results include:

    • User Satisfaction: User feedback indicated high satisfaction with the clarity of the app and website content, microcopy, and email communications.
    • Onboarding Success: The well-structured onboarding process led to a high percentage of users completing their profiles and making their first transactions, improving conversion rates.
    • Customer Retention: The empathetic and informative microcopy in error messages and notifications reduced user frustration and contributed to a high level of customer retention.
    • Timely Launch: Despite the tight schedule, we launched on time, thanks to seamless collaboration with cross-functional teams.

    This comprehensive strategy and thoughtful UX content design played a key role in ensuring that Greenwood's services were not only functional but also user-friendly. The alignment between content design, product development, and marketing created a superior user experience, which was pivotal in Greenwood Bank's successful entry into the competitive online banking industry.

    Discover how my UX content design helped launch Greenwood Bank—see screenshots of the project!

    Transforming Prosperity Now's UX Content Design

    Prosperity Now is a prominent non-profit organization dedicated to promoting financial and racial equity. They have six program teams, each focused on specific areas: taxes, state and local governments, the federal government, savings, housing, and racial wealth equity. The organization operates a complex website with sub-sites for each program team, but faced challenges with user navigation and content discoverability. They sought a comprehensive UX content design strategy to streamline their online presence, enhance the user experience, and maximize the impact of their research, news, and insights across platforms.

    Prosperity Now's Goals

    To create an effective content strategy that addressed the following key challenges:

    • Improve Website Navigation: Simplify the website structure to make it easier for users to find valuable information about the organization's mission and programs.
    • Unify Content Strategy: Develop a cohesive content strategy that encompasses newsletters, email campaigns, social media initiatives, program-specific blogs, thought leadership, and other relevant channels.
    • Increase Engagement: Enhance user engagement and interaction with the organization's content to foster a community of advocates and supporters.

    The Content Strategy and Design Process

    Content Audit and Analysis:

    • Conducted a comprehensive content audit of the organization's website, sub-sites, and existing content channels.
    • Analyzed user behavior and feedback to identify pain points and areas of improvement.

    User Personas:

    • Created detailed user personas for various audience segments, including policymakers, researchers, activists, and the general public.
    • Tailored content strategies to cater to the unique needs and preferences of each persona.

    Information Architecture:

    • Streamlined the website structure by creating a clear hierarchy for program teams and their sub-sites.
    • Implemented intuitive navigation menus and search functionality for easy access to content.

    Content Creation and Curation:

    • Developed a content calendar that aligned with program teams' goals and key events.
    • Curated and produced high-quality content, including research reports, articles, videos, and infographics.

    Blogging Strategy:

    • Established individual blogs for each program team to showcase their expertise and thought leadership.
    • Scheduled regular posts on topics related to taxes, government policies, savings, racial wealth equity, and housing.

    Content Distribution:

    • Utilized a multichannel approach, including email newsletters, social media, and syndication, to disseminate content.
    • Segmented email lists for targeted communication to different user personas.

    Thought Leadership:

    • Positioned the organization as a thought leader by publishing in-depth research and op-eds on relevant topics.
    • Collaborated with experts and influencers for guest contributions.

    Social Media Campaigns:

    • Developed and executed social media campaigns that aligned with program team initiatives.
    • Engaged with the audience through interactive content, live sessions, and Q&A sessions.

    Analytics and Measurement:

    • Implemented tracking tools to monitor user engagement, conversion rates, and content performance.
    • Regularly reviewed analytics data to refine content strategies and make data-driven decisions.

    Community Building:

    • Fostered a sense of community among supporters by creating forums, discussion boards, and virtual events.
    • Encouraged user-generated content and testimonials to showcase impact.

    Training and Governance:

    • Provided training to program teams and content creators on best practices for content creation, SEO, and social media management.
    • Established content governance policies to maintain consistency and quality.

    Continuous Improvement:

    • Regularly reviewed the results and made iterative improvements based on user feedback and performance metrics.

    Results and Impact

    • User engagement improved significantly, with a 40% increase in newsletter subscriptions and a 25% growth in social media followers.
    • The organization's thought leadership initiatives gained recognition, leading to invitations for participation in high-impact policy discussions.
    • User feedback and data-driven insights continue to inform ongoing refinements to the UX content strategy, ensuring its effectiveness and relevance.

    By adopting a holistic and user-centric content design strategy, Prosperity Now successfully transformed its online presence, increased engagement, and amplified its impact while advancing its mission.

    Revolutionizing Content Strategy for Wyre

    Despite offering an innovative and competitive service, Wyre, a forward-thinking international money transfer startup in the crypto sphere, was struggling to gain visibility in a crowded market. The company had been heavily reliant on its sales team and paid media for customer engagement, with very little marketing content in place. Recognizing the immense potential of content marketing in the crypto industry, we embarked on a journey to transform Wyre's content landscape.

    Wyre's Challenges

    • Limited Content Presence: Wyre's online content was sparse, lacking in-depth resources, educational material, and thought leadership pieces.
    • Visibility Issues: The company's website struggled to rank on search engines, leading to low organic traffic.
    • Audience Engagement: There was a need to engage and educate a crypto-savvy audience effectively.

    The Content Strategy and Design Process

    Content Audit and Research:

    Our first step was conducting a comprehensive content audit and competitor analysis. This involved studying Wyre's existing content, identifying gaps, and analyzing the content strategies of key competitors. We delved deep into the world of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and international money transfer services.

    Content Pillars and Keywords:

    We defined core content pillars that aligned with Wyre's mission and audience needs. These included cryptocurrency education, blockchain technology insights, and international money transfer trends. Keyword research helped identify relevant terms and phrases with high search volume and low competition.

    Diverse Content Formats:

    To engage a diverse audience, we diversified content formats. In addition to traditional blog posts, we introduced innovative marketing collateral:

    • Gbooks (Infographic/e-book Hybrids): We created visually engaging "Gbooks" that simplified complex crypto concepts. These downloadable resources were designed to educate and entertain simultaneously.
    • Comics: To inject creativity into the content mix, we developed a series of crypto-themed comics that broke down technical jargon into relatable and enjoyable narratives.
    • Videos: Short explainer videos and tutorials added a dynamic element to Wyre's content, making it accessible to a wider audience.

    SEO Optimization:

    Every piece of content was meticulously optimized for SEO. We incorporated target keywords naturally, optimized meta tags, and improved internal linking. We also ensured that Wyre's website was technically sound, with a focus on page load speed and mobile responsiveness.

    Results and Impact

    Our efforts transformed Wyre's content strategy and online presence:

    • Improved Search Rankings: Wyre saw a significant boost in search engine rankings. Key blog posts and Gbooks began to rank on the first page for high-value keywords related to cryptocurrency and international money transfer.
    • Traffic Growth: Organic traffic surged, contributing to a substantial increase in website visitors. This influx of visitors was more engaged and had a longer average session duration, demonstrating the value of the content.
    • Increased Engagement: Wyre's social media channels experienced a surge in engagement. The comic series, in particular, garnered a dedicated following, showcasing the power of creative content.
    • Conversion Rates: The content strategy had a direct impact on conversion rates. Educational resources like Gbooks played a crucial role in converting site visitors into leads and, ultimately, customers.
    • Audience Growth: Wyre's audience base expanded significantly. The company not only attracted a larger user base but also nurtured a loyal community of crypto enthusiasts.
    • Increased Revenue: This increased engagement contributed to a 114% increase in revenue from Q3 to Q4 in 2018 alone.

    By incorporating innovative content formats, optimizing for SEO, and consistently delivering value to their audience, Wyre witnessed remarkable growth in search rankings, traffic, engagement, conversion rates, and audience size, becoming a rising voice in the international money transfer sector. 

    This serves as a testament to the transformative impact of a well-executed content strategy in the digital age, especially in a niche as dynamic and competitive as cryptocurrency.